Friday, August 17, 2012

More Training...

Today was new teacher training.  I am starting to learn more and more about the school and what is expected.  It is really overwhelming.  One good thing is that week 1 of school is all taken care of, it is already mapped out.  The first week of school is all procedures, routines and I just implement it all.  I learned I can wear athletic type shoes, so that is exciting.  It will be wonderful to wear comfortable shoes all day.  I received a 2 inch binder with all the rules and regulations! I am trying not to be intimidated by it all but I am nervous.  The one thing I really appreciate about my new school is that its teaching philosophy is pretty close to mine; engage the students in what they are interested in, encourage conversations, interactive activities, develop critical thinking and project based learning projects.  It is only about 10 days till I meet my students!! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It is getting closer...

to really happening. I was able to see my classroom last week and the sign with my name on it was hanging from the ceiling! It is becoming real!! I met with my team and I think I am going to really enjoy working with everyone. I have a better idea of what Dual Language is and how it works.  I didn't realize it is considered a higher academic program. More is expected of the students and of course, the teachers as well.  I was thrilled to learn that my team is big on projects and activities and grouping! No worksheets (or very little)!!!  I also learned that it is expected that my classroom have similar set up as my teaching partner.  The students are placed in groups versus individual seats.  It sounds like there are a number of establish routines that myself and my students will need to follow.  Once I have a better idea on curriculum and classroom expectations, I want to start trying to weave Whole Brain Teaching strategies as well as Daily 5 and CAFE into my classroom.  I will know more next week.  I am so excited that it starting to come together!! Although, my steep learning curve does make kinda scary.  

Friday, August 03, 2012


I will take it Gabby's words with me on the first day of my teaching career, August 28, 2012.

 "I was just like, Believe, don't fear, believe."
US Gymnast Gabby Douglas

GT Week

I just spent an entire week at GT inservice for new teachers in my district.  I learned that my future GT students need more depth in the work not more homework.  Learned a ton of strategies, such as the "depth and complexity" icons and how to use them, how to use "I am a scholar" icons, RAFT, SCAMPER and so much more. So many ideas and the beauty is they can be used with all kids, just in varying degrees.  
We learned about some great websites, here a just a few:
As a new teacher, it is overwhelming. I have no know idea if I will even have any GT kids and if I do? I am not sure how to differentiate for regular ed students, let alone, step it up a notch for GT students.  However, I will find a way because I want them to have what they need educationally, just like all the other students.  At least now, I have ideas, websites and I have a network with my fellow teachers.  All in all a good week of teacher learning. 

Now I just need to finish my papers for my masters!! It is all due tomorrow!!