Sunday, January 23, 2011

A long time!

It has been over a year....since my last post. I am now not only a student but a real live student teacher. My internship is in a local elementary school. My class is 2nd grade ESL. This internship has fallen perfectly into place, I got what I wanted and I am so happy. I am working with the sweetest group of kids and most are ELL's. There are at least 4 different first languages among the students; Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and English! My mentor is kind, helpful, supportive and a wonderful teacher.
In 1 week I will substitute for the first time for my mentor. I am excited and terrified all at once. I have never substituted before and I am going to jump in and see how it goes!

After all these years of going to school, I am closing in on the end, well, the teaching part. I still have 2 classes and another internship to complete my masters.