Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Internship

Ignacio the director of my study abroad program drove me over to my
new "job" yesterday (Fri 1-18-08), doing some sort of technology at a
small art college called "Unarte". I tried to explain to him my tech
experience at Alcott Elementary in Redmond was over 10 years ago. I
have no idea what he has told the school owners. He kept saying I am a
expert! I am thinking what on earth is he telling these people. I
asked him why he didn't put me in a school with children since that is
my most current experience but he said once he read my resume and saw
that I had computer experience he saw a place for me!!

He told the ladies of the school they had to help me find which bus to
take home after work. So one of the teachers drove me home. Sat in her
car on the corner of my street and the main blvd, watched for a
passing bus and when she spotted one, we followed it! Fortunately it
went in the direction of my new job! I now have a way home!! Question
that is still unknown is how do I get to the art college from my
university! I guess, that is Mondays problem.

So I spent my first afternoon entering book bibliography type info in
a computer in the school library. One of teachers asked me if I can
"make programs", is that what Ignacio told them??, that I am a
programmer?? I said NO, I only use them!! She left, I return to
entering book info into a word document. If this day is any
indication of my future there, I don't think I will be doing much,
since I am not a programmer!! But I did find out I get FREE lattes at
the snack bar!!

The school does kinda have a cool, eclectic, artsy atmosphere.
Students are doing; photography, plastics, jewelery making, painting,
metal works of some sort. The ages of students vary from young to
older than me. That was nice to see! Since I am the only "mature"
student in my university that I have seen.

I will be working Monday afternoons 2-5p and all day Fridays. I will
try to take photos next week of the school. It is a pretty cool
looking building.

I sure hope I am not the school librarian!


Anonymous said...

We loved reading your blog. We also looked at your pictures. First time we have seen a picture of Paul. In your blog you mentioned Redmond. We were unaware that you were in Redmond, and which state. For a minute I was not sure who's blog I was reading. Doug & Joan

Anonymous said...

hey momma

i liek the idea of you as a librarian, even if you dont :P the art school sounds like the kind of place i would like.. maybe if we come visit over spring break i can go and see it!

tonight i went out with andrew (the boy from my english class @ CLHA who i ran into at orientation) to Chealsea's (that cafe thats open late) and it was really nice, i think i may have made a new friend.

school is ok.. i have to return 3 of the books we bought :| and buy three differnet ones... oh well. thats life. ive been looking at flight to california mid-may, do you have any frequent flyer miles? or should i just buy one right away?

well, i love you and i miss you... keep the positive attidtude!! remember that makes all the difference :P

te amo muito!!

Anonymous said...

How to get word....TAXI!!!!! :)

Leslea said...

Kathy, your are still my trail-blazing, life-loving, fear-stomping, hurdle-hopping, mentor!!
You have always taught me to reach high, dream big, and blast forward!!
O that I could tap into that zest and drive, and mainline it into me!!
You are my inspiration to press on and do it up!!!
Love ya my sistah!!, Leslea